Okta Developer Workshop (Central Series, Part 3)

July 17, 2020

Okta is excited to host a three-part developer workshop series with Okta's Senior Security Architect, Aaron Parecki. Join Aaron, the author of OAuth 2.0 Simplified, for a unique workshop focusing on how to best execute and secure API & Microservice Authentication.

Lunch is on Okta, as attendees will receive a GrubHub gift card for the day of the event. Attendees of the entire three-part series will also receive a link to our swag store to choose a gift of your choice.

Our goal is to arm you with best practices around session management, Auth patterns, security vs speed, user experience & web/mobile authentication. A few lucky guests will walk away with a Kindle copy of OAuth 2.0 Simplified.

Jump in for one session, or all three! We look forward to seeing you!

  • July 13th - Session 1 - Introduction to OAuth and OpenID Connect
  • July 15th - Session 2 - OAuth for Single-Page Apps and Mobile Devices
  • July 17th - Session 3 - Secure your APIs with OAuth